If you work from home, you may be wondering how that affects your homeowner's insurance or if your homeowner's insurance provides any coverage for your business. Here's what you need to know. 1. Theft, Fire, and Many Acts of Nature In most cases, homeowner's insurance covers theft, fires, windstorms, hail, and lightning. Your business is part of your home, and if your house catches on fire, your homeowner's policy typically covers the cost of repairs for all of your home including your work space in the home.
You keep a copy of your insurance policy in your file drawer, but do you know how to read and understand the policy? Having an insurance policy will protect you from losses, but it won't protect you from all losses. To get a better understanding of what your policy will and will not cover, read through this blog. You will learn about all different types of insurance policies and learn the terminology used in the documents that you have read. Hopefully, by the time you have read through the content here, you will know exactly where your insurance policies are lacking so you can make changes.